A Voice for the Community: Jennifer’s Story

Meet Jennifer Conroy, Co-Chair of Vibrant Community Council and a dedicated Vibrant volunteer whose energy and enthusiasm infuses every aspect of her involvement. When she's not busy volunteering, you can find Jen running lively movie nights, hosting engaging conversations, and keeping in touch with friends and family. Jennifer has a passion for writing and researching different kinds of music. Ever wondered about the revolution of MTV? Jennifer has, and stemming from her recent obsession with a book on the topic, she has delved into its origin.

Jen’s volunteer journey at Vibrant started with her partner, Adam who invited her to volunteer with a Vibrant program over 13 years ago. As time passed, that connection turned into increased involvement with the organization, including leading to fulfilling experiences like taking part in self-defense classes offered by the health promotion team at Vibrant and taking a volunteer leadership role. Another project Jen involved herself with was being part of an anti-bullying project with Vibrant was a meaningful experience for her. Working alongside others reinforced to her the values of collaboration, unity, and belonging at Vibrant. "Vibrant gives me a sense of purpose and something to look forward to each day," says Jennifer.

"Volunteering is like

spreading happiness around."        

 - Jennifer

She believes accessibility is another appealing aspect of Vibrant, especially for people with disabilities. Accessible doctor's offices and on-site attendant care eliminate the hesitation many may feel about getting a wellness checkup. Another example that stands out for Jennifer is when her dietitian at Vibrant helped her develop a diet plan for daily exercise and healthy eating. She says, “this highlights the staff's understanding and commitment to providing quality care tailored to individual needs.”

After years of being part of Vibrant, Jennifer has gained a sense of empowerment and control over her life, which resonates with the Independent Living Philosophy that the organization works to uphold. She appreciates how individuals and their preferences are always treated with the utmost respect at Vibrant, fostering a culture of dignity and understanding.


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